Eileen: A plan for Iris in Lean

Iris is a world-class framework for mechanizing program logics in Rocq. The framework boasts an impressive list of publications, with users applying Iris to wide range of verification problems across the software stack. The logic of Iris is the synthesis of a long line1 of work on separation logic design, and the Iris implementation is a premier example of proof engineering in Rocq.

Lean is an interactive theorem prover and functional programming langauge. Since the release of Lean 4, the language has seen widespread popularity amongst researchers in formal verification and mechanized mathematics. Its popularity can be attributed to a number of features, including but not limited to its developer tooling, extensive mathematical library, and organized and active communuity.

Because Iris is not written in Lean, these two groups of mechanization experts cannot directly build off of each other’s work. As someone interested in program verification and Lean I think this is a shame, and I think that there is a case to be made that both projects would benefit from an implementation of an Iris-like program logic in Lean:

While I’ve been convinced that someone should take on this reimplementation effort for some time,2 I’ve recently reflected on some reasons why I might want to invest my time into the effort.

In this post, I will elaborate on the planning I’ve been doing to try and bring the dream of Iris in Lean a little closer to reality. I’ve dubbed the project Eileen, a malapropism of iLean, which itself is a portmanteau of Iris + Lean.

Concepts of a Plan

I estimate that this project has a reasonable chance of failure: The scope may be too large, it may be too personally challenging, it may even involve features that are not in the roadmap for Lean itself. A realistic commitment to implementing Iris in Lean involves hedging against these failures by giving myself milestones that are personally valuable in their own right. I have brainstormed a few:

Oriented around these goals, I came up with some short term tasks to help me assess and plan the project.

My past few months have focused on the reading aspect of this plan, alongside some preliminary mechanization experiments. This blog post takes the next step.

An Inventory of Iris

There are approximately 200 files in Iris, containing 50,000 lines of Rocq code. Not all of these files are relevant to Eileen. Some of them are library code that can be worked on after the fact, and the proofmode portion of it of it has already been implemented. To develop project milestones, the first thing I need to do read enough the Iris source code to determine which parts are which.

This is a high-level dependency graph of Iris,3 generated by my Rocq dependency graph script (implemented in Lean, of course!)

I went through each file in the Iris repository in dependency order. The tables below are a deliberately over-simplified summary of their contents–not enough to paint a complete picture of the Iris development, but enough to chart a reasonable course to step through more carefully.

Lines are left blank or italicized if I am still trying to understand them.


File Description
options.v Global Rocq configuration.
prelude.v Global coercions.



File Description
ofe.v OFE/COFE structures, nonexpansive/contractive maps, fixpoints, oFunctors, (C)OFE-(iso)morphisms, OFEs based on types/laters.
cofe_solver.v COFE fixpoint of oFunctor.
monoid.v Semi-bundled nonexpansive monoids, and morphisms. Used for big ops.
cmra.v Variants of CMRA structures, properties of CMRA elements, morphisms, COFE to CMRA functors, resource algebra. CMRA constructions.
excl.v The excl COFE/CMRA.
big_op.v Iterated monoid operation over finite structures. Morphisms and laws.
cmra_big_op.v Laws for big op with option OFE.
updates.v (Nondeterministic) frame-perserving updates. FP updates based on type.
local_updates.v Local updates, laws, and constructions.
gset.v CMRAs of sets of countable type: union and disjoint union.
gmultiset.v CMRA for multisets of countable type.
coPset.v CMRAs of sets of countable type: union and disjoint union.
csum.v OFE/COFE/CMRA construction: sum with bottom.
mra.v Lift preorder to CMRA.
list.v (C)OFE of lists. Nonexpansisivity of list functions.
functions.v Laws for discrete function OFE, into UCMRA or OFE.
sts.v STS RA (historical).
proofmode_classes.v Typeclass reflection of monoid op.
numbers.v RA of number types with arithmetic ops.
frac.v Leibniz RA of rationals 0 < q <= 1 with add op.
ufrac.v Leibniz RA of rationals 0 < q with add op.
dfrac.v Leibniz RA of discardable fractions.
gmap.v COFE/CMRA of gmap (lifts value OFE pointwise). Laws for basic gmap operations.
vector.v Vector OFEs (same as list).
agree.v Agreement OFE: Lists are n-equiv when each element has an n-equiv counterpart.
max_prefix_list.v Partial OFE on lists, where X ⋅ X ++ Y = X ++ Y.
auth.v Auth CMRA.
reservation_map.v CMRA for partial functions + permission to add entries.
dyn_reservation_map.v CMRA for partial functions + permission to add an unbounded number of fresh entries.



File Description
frac_auth.v Auth CMRA, with splittable fractional part rather than auth part.
mono_list.v Auth CMRA over max prefix list CMRA.
mono_nat.v Auth CMRA over max Nat CMRA.
mono_Z.v Auth CMRA over max Z CMRA.
gmap_view.v Auth CMRA over map: frags are RW access to single entries, or persistent R access.



File Description
notation.v Reserved notations.
interface.v Axioms of BI/+Persistency/+Later. bi structure bundles syntax + axioms.
derived_connectives.v Defines affinely, absorbingly, intuitionistically, except 0, timeless, later n.
weakestpre.v Class and notations for WP, TWP.
extensions.v Axioms+TC for additional rules to bi.
derived_laws.v Derived bi laws.
derived_laws_later.v Derived bi laws about step indexing. Löb and variants. Other modal laws.
big_op.v Big sep, and, or, over finite types.
internal_eq.v Axioms+TC for BI with internal equality that respects step indexing.
plainly.v Axioms+TC for BI with plainly modality. Laws.
updates.v Axioms+TC for BI with bupd, fupd. Laws, laws involving persistently.
ascii.v Notation.
embedding.v Axioms+TC for embedding one bi in another.
bi.v Exports.



File Description
siprop.v Pure, Nat-indexed Prop, COFE and BI defs. Soundness for pure, internal eq, later.
bi.v BI TC instances for siProp.



File Description
counterexamples.v Paradoxes.
fixpoint.v Derived lfp and gfp of a monotone function, induction principles.
relations.v Closure, iterate of relations. Internal, with internal eq.
cmra.v Internalize included, given internal equality.
core.v TC for core of a prop. Internal.



File Description
upred.v uPred for general UCMRA, COFE + BI defs. Nonexpansive and proof rules. Soundness for later, pure, internal eq.
bi.v BI TC instances for upred.
derived.v Derived laws, TC instances for valid. Soundness for bupd, modalities.
algebra.v Internalizes properties of CMRA.
proofmode.v Pure and splitting TC instances for uPred.
base_logic.v Exports.
bupd_alt.v Alternate bupd definition.



File Description
fancy_update_from_vs.v Fancy updates as view shift.
iprop.v iProp: solution to uPred recurrence. TC for GFunctors: lists of locally contractive rFunctors, for the solution. iPropO: the OFE.
own.v TC for CMRA being in GFunctors. Definition of ghost ownership. Updates, allocation.
token.v GFunctor for unique ownership of symbol.
ghost_map.v GFunctor for ghost heap.
ghost_var.v GFunctor for ghost mutable variable.
mono_nat.v GFunctor for auth/frag of mono nat/lower bound.
wsat.v Related to world satisfaction style modalities.
later_credits.v GFunctor for later credits. Later update modality.
fancy_updates.v GFunctor for fupd. Laws & soundness (dependent on later credits). GFunctor for enabling invariants.
invariants.v Internal construction of invariants.
na_invariants.v GFunctor for non-atomic invariants.
cancelable_invariants.v GFunctor for cancelable invariants.
gen_heap.v GFunctor for physical heap.
gen_inv_heap.v GFunctor for heap of invariants (persistent).


What else?

The remaining modules are

A Plan for Iris in Lean

Building off of this inventory, here are some things I think I can concretely start working on. I’ve tried to keep the list of goals minimal, because I expect it to grow.

The short term involves plenty of reading and documentation. Any progress I make will continue to be posted on my website.

The Future

I think that an ergonomic definition of the structures leading up to uPred are the bare minimum for an implementation of Iris in Lean. It’s hard to plan further, but a development that gets that far can be confident enough in the definitions so that the other files low in the dependency order will be amenable to a distributed effort. Of course there is still a lot of work between that point and a usable logic–but much of that work is internal to the Iris logic, which is less likely to fail outright.

While the list of tasks will surely grow, the amount of work I don’t have to do gives me confidence that this is a realistic plan. Along the way I plan to document as much of my process as possible, so in the event of my failure somebody else can pick up the torch. If anyone would like to get in contact about this effort, the main page of my website has my contact information.

  1. This diagram is not complete. Among other things, its missing the geneology of step-indexed and modal program logics, which Iris is also heavily based upon.↩︎

  2. Anecdotally, the labmates I’ve been pestering with the Why can’t we have Iris in Lean conversation have found it very convincing.↩︎

  3. Iris commit hash 657b34ad877f1ba22414e0e85ad2a49e56a188e0↩︎